
May 08, 2012

How About A Pair Of Mice

Remember all those rabbits at Easter…… I’m bad about mice as well.  Here’s a pair.


With a smudge to boot!  I never noticed that one.  Not only will pictures bring out the best…….they bring out the smudges too.  This card can’t be done over and I’ll not throw it away either.  I do have a daughter that love’s them with or without smudges….so Allyson, here’s your next card coming your way.  *Smiles*

The body of these little guys were made from the Bird Builder Punch, the wing.  Just set it up on its end instead of the usual slant that you would see on a bird or as a leaf.

When stamping the flower, I wanted a leaf or two to be on the mouse, whaaa  whoooo for the stamp-a-ma-jig.  The greatest invention since sliced bread! lol I fussy cut a sprig off from the stamped image and redirected it on the flower, note the sprig pointing off to the left at the base of the stem.  The sitting mouse on the right hand side is holding a punched piece of the same image as the center of the flower.  The little piece of grass at the bottom is actually the base of the flower turned upside down……recognize it?


Gee, the smudge gets lighter all the time.  *smile*  The cute little faces add a lot of character to each mouse.

Last but not least, the inside ~


I hope you liked my little furry friends today, come back tomorrow for a Mouse Christmas Card………WHAT, did I hear that right?  *smile*

Totally inspired by the very amazing and talented Kim Score!


See you then!




  1. I quite like real mice, but YOUR mice are SPECIAL!! I LOVE them! xxx

  2. Love the mice! You've been pinned!

  3. I am really loving these mice! What an adorable card!

  4. The mice are adorable - your details are wonderful!

  5. Fabulous card Linda! Smudge or no smudge.......This card is a total winner and I'm loving the faces you created on each mouse. WELL DONE my friend-WELL DONE!

  6. totally adorable! love to see the Peachy Keen faces. Thanks for the shout out! Hey, how about adding a little pink nose. I'm thinking the 3/8" circle punch from the punch pack? Or you could go with the largest hole on the crop-a-dile.

  7. I was admiring your card and thinking I'd copy it cuz it's so cute BUT wondered how you made the blackberry that the mouse on the right was holding UNTIL I read that it was the center of the flower.......hahaha! Now, in my mind, it will always be a blackberry, but I love it anyhow!

  8. oh my gosh, I loved the card yesterday and now this one... absolutely darling... I can hardly wait until thank you for sharing your fantastic creativity

  9. Can't get enough of your 'meeces'!


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