I had some requests on how to reverse an image. Enough that I decided it might be a good idea to do a quick little tutorial on how it was done on yesterday’s card.
You first must have a Mirror Image Stamp or something comparable. Here is a picture of the stamp that I used. Note the directions printed on top of the stamp.

And this is what the other side of this stamp looks like:

Pick the stamp that you would like to reverse the image, I choose the twig stamp from Autumn Days stamp set. After inking the stamp, stamp it onto the Mirror Image Stamp. Like I have shown here.

After removing your stamp, the Mirror Image Stamp should look like this:

Now take this stamp and stamp it onto your paper, it should look like this:

I hope this helps in explaining how to reverse an image in stamping.
A Share of the Extreme Home Makeover
Here’s a few pictures of the Extreme Home Makeover Show that visited our community over the weekend.
The first day of the tapping of the show was not viewed by the public for some reason. I was close enough that I could see the bright black and orange EHMO bus, but that was about it.
The next day they provided shuttles for the public to travel back and forth as many times as you wanted between the hours of 8am –8pm – free! I went every chance I had and this is a picture of where I began with the makeover.

This is the boy that will be living in the new home. If you look closely his left arm is a prosthetic one. He is a Junior in High School and was working on remodeling a family members home (at Christmas) when his arm was severed using some type of a saw. The community chipped in and purchased his new arm.
This is the next day after the demolition of his old house (which was nothing more than a shack) with ceilings only 6 feet tall and sat 100% on the ground no foundation of any kind and was 80 years old.

The foundation is set and ready for the walls to go up. The structure in the back is going to be a workshop for the boy. His hobby is woodworking. This much was done less than 24 hours after demolition of the old house.

Most of the volunteers came from our State University Campus, this girl shows her school spirit with a little face painting. The picture on the right shows the mail being delivered to the neighbors every day in spite of all the commotion. That white tent was pitched right on the front yard of a neighbor.

24 hours later and take a look at the progress. It was pretty chilly and they had to contend with rain on and off for most of the time spent working on the house.
About 4 hours later and this is where they were.

Here are the cast members that I was able to spot for a picture.

Michael Maloney….he got to be old hat, he was all over the place and could be seen often.
Paige and Ty

This sweet little girl is fighting a battle with cancer and will be featured on the show. Her name is Brooke.

This is the home near completion…they’re finishing up the landscaping.

And of course we all said……MOVE THAT BUS!

And that’s a wrap for today, I hope you enjoyed it all and I especially hope the small tutorial was a help to you all in some way.
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by for a visit, as always I sincerely appreciate it and enjoy the company!
Sending lots and lots of hugs your way,